Wednesday, February 24, 2010

VLSI Frontend basics

Q1. What are the Various Tools used in Frontend design ?
A1.  1. Synopsys Design Compiler - For Synthesis {which means converting RTL code (VHDL/Verilog - which represents the digital design) into Gate level netlist (more closer representation of real hardware)}
       2. Atrenta's SpyGlass - For Coding violations , Connectivity issues like Multiple drivers at a port ,Port-width Mismatch, unconnected ports etc
       3. Mentor's 0in-CDC - For Clock Domain crossing violations
       4. Primetime - For Static timing Analysis
       will add more to the list ..............

Q2. VLSI Design flow overview Block diagram ?

What is VLSI

Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands of transistor-based circuits into a single chip. VLSI began in the 1970s when complex semiconductor and communication technologies were being developed. The microprocessor is a VLSI device. VLSI designed chips are used everywhere right from washing machine to satellites. VLSI is an implementation technology for electronic circuitry - analogue or digital. It is concerned with forming a pattern of interconnected switches and gates on the surface of a crystal of semiconductor.

What is CHIP or VLSI Circuit ?

•A pattern of interconnected switches and gates on the surface of a crystal of semiconductor (typically Si)
•These switches and gates are made of
–areas of n-type silicon
–areas of p-type silicon
–areas of insulator
–lines of conductor (interconnects) joining areas together
•Aluminium, Copper, Titanium, Molybdenum, polysilicon, tungsten
• The geometry of these areas is known as the layout of the chip
•Connections from the chip to the outside world are made around the edge of the chip to facilitate 
  connections to other devices/ chips etc. Like : if You see the Motherboard of your PC, You will find 
  many Chips or ICs are interconnected.

Applications :
–personal computers
•Memory - DRAM / SRAM
•Special Purpose Processors - ASICS (CD players, DSP applications)
•Optical Switches
•Has made highly sophisticated control systems mass-producable and therefore cheap